Stain Resistant EcoSealer


STAIN RESISTANT ECOSEALER is a water-based oil and water repellent which can be used as a stain resistant penetrating sealer for treating masonry substrates.  The treatment does not change the surface appearance or vapour permeability of the substrate.  It provides excellent stain resistance against most stains including food, wine, tannin, and oil.

STAIN RESISTANT ECOSEALER is an environmentally friendly product containing no organic solvent and is a good alternative to a solvent-based stain-resistant sealer.

Some important features of this product include:
• Good resistance to oil or water-based stains
• Reduce water absorption and algae/mould growth
• Penetrates and permanently reacts with masonry
• Offers durable protection and wearing resistance
• Non-film forming natural finishes with no change of surface appearance
• Water-based environmentally friendly technology with no VOC

STAIN RESISTANT ECOSEALER is suitable for all porous masonry materials including natural stones, concrete blocks, pavers/driveways, clay bricks, terracotta, tiles and grouts. Because it is a water-borne product, STAIN RESISTANT ECOSEALER penetrates less than a solvent based product in dense substrates.  For dense materials, Red Wolf's soon-to-be-released solvent-based stain resistant sealer may be selected as a better alternative.

Product Datasheet Stain Resistant EcoSealer
PDF – 312.3 KB 153 downloads
Safety Datasheet Stain Resistant EcoSealer
PDF – 197.4 KB 155 downloads